
We present to you this website, which is subject to the terms and conditions (“Agreement”). Please read and understand them carefully before you start using this website. Starting to use the website signifies your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the agreement. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please refrain from using the website. Please be aware that some of these terms and conditions may change from time to time according to applicable regulations.

When using this agreement, the term “we” refers to Moken Company, the owner of the Rento Car Rental brand, including all its branches inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


All content on the website, including images, texts, programs, and all other materials, may not be used for commercial purposes without written approval in the name of Moken (the owner of the Rento brand). You agree not to alter or remove any copyright, trademark, or any other proprietary notices present on or downloaded from the website, and acknowledge that your use of the site does not grant you ownership rights to any of the site’s materials.


Rento is the owner of the Rento Car Rental trademark and the trademarks distinguishing our products are registered and protected by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and commercial laws that protect the trademark.


Privacy Policy

The data required to conduct business transactions includes name, date of birth, license number, and document expiration date, among other details, collected from individual customers.
The collected data is used only to avoid repeated data entry and to provide better services to the customer.
Personal data collected from individuals is kept under strict protection.
No part of the data is shared or accessed by any external entities except the relevant regulatory authorities related to the business/service industry.
Rento Car Rental does not collect or store any financial data.
Credit/debit card information is securely stored and not kept as references.
All data collected from individuals is displayed within the profile of registered users.

Website Usage Policy

Rento Car Rental aims to provide the best level of services to customers interested in car rental activities in line with your expectations and needs by adopting modern technology and developing information technology to use the data you have entrusted to us, ensuring its protection and confidentiality. We commit to respecting this privacy and complying with all laws and principles to protect this information according to applicable standards. This data will be used in a way that facilitates your interaction with our website and helps you access information that will aid in your decision-making.

Reservation Policy

Reservations, modifications, or cancellations are available through this website. All reservations and transactions made through the site are subject to the approval of Rento Car Rental, and the company has the right to refuse, accept, or cancel any reservation or transaction for any reason or without reason, whether the reservation or transaction has been confirmed or not, at our sole discretion, without any liability towards you or any other party. Rental agreements between Rento and website users are exclusively concluded at Rento branch locations. Rento Car Rental will confirm all reserved cars based on availability requests 24 hours before the rental date. If the car is not available at the specified times, the renter will be given the option to modify the reservation and will be provided with other available rental options. Payment is available through the website, and the exact total rental amounts will be determined upon returning the car, as the amount depends on the type of car, type of insurance, and any other additional services requested by the renter.

Cancellation Policy

If a reservation is made, confirmed, and a payment made but the reservation is not canceled more than 24 hours before the pick-up time, and if the reservation is not used after confirmation, a fee equivalent to one day’s rental will be deducted.
If a reservation is confirmed, not used, and not paid for, canceled reservations will be recorded in the customer’s file. If unjustified cancellations are repeated, the customer’s account on the site will be suspended.
Rental Policy

The rental agreement concluded with the customer is subject to the regulations and government laws governing car rental activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Delivery and Return Policy

The renter acknowledges receiving the rented car from Rento Car Rental in good condition without defects and suitable for the purpose for which it was rented. The renter must return the car along with all documents and attachments in the same condition in which it was received to Rento Car Rental at the location and on the date and time specified in the rental agreement. In case of non-compliance, or if there is a need to breach this obligation, the renter accepts that the owner may retrieve the car at any time without request and at the renter’s expense. This applies if the car is used in a manner that breaches this agreement. Any extension of the agreement period must be made after obtaining prior approval from Rento Car Rental.

Site Availability

This site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, we reserve the right to block access to the site from time to time for any reason or no reason. We are not liable for any damages resulting from interruption, suspension, or termination of this site.
Non-Applicability of the Agreement in Certain Areas

Although this site is available worldwide, it is not available to all people in all geographic locations. Additionally, usage restrictions may apply in some areas and not others. Those who choose to use the site do so at their own initiative and responsibility, bearing full responsibility for compliance with local laws and their applicability. You may not use or export the site’s materials, products, or services if it conflicts with local export laws and regulations. Therefore, we, our affiliates, licensees, or suppliers, reserve the right to restrict site availability and any conditions for any person or geographic area, at our or their discretion.

Limitation of Liability

As a condition of your use of this site, you agree that we, our affiliates, licensees, suppliers, directors, officers, partners, employees, or agents are not liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or other damages, under any contract, liability, or otherwise, or for any loss of profits, revenue, business opportunities, data loss, or interruption, or any costs and expenses incurred directly or indirectly from the following:
Use of this site, including but not limited to damages resulting from your reliance on this site, or any information, materials on it, any link, operation, transaction, or failure of its functions.
Decisions, strikes, wars, natural disasters, force majeure, power outages, interference, viruses, hardware failures, our server breaches, earthquakes, floods, any abnormal condition, or any other circumstance beyond our control, limiting or preventing access to the site or its materials, or affecting the ability to provide products or services, or affecting booking or purchasing.
Any loss of security of the information you provide to the site, or any interference by any unauthorized third party.
Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the site or its materials is to stop using the site.


Without limiting the generality of the agreement or affecting other provisions, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend us, our affiliates, licensees, subcontractors, agents, officers, or their officers, directors, or their directors, employees, or their employees, from or against any claims, damages, losses, costs (including reasonable attorney fees) incurred directly or indirectly from or due to:
(a) Your breach of this agreement, including any breach of any rules of conduct outlined above.
(b) Your use of this site and engagement in transactions involving, but not limited to, site materials.


It is not allowed to Modify/ Edit reservations paid online using a credit or debit card. However, the reservation must be canceled and a new reservation made. The amount of the canceled reservation will be refunded to the same payment method within 5 to 21 business days, or according to the bank’s policy